
Welcome to your new web site, hosted by MOREnet. This is your HomePage, and is what visitors will first see when they come to your web site at the base URL. Since this page is selected in WordPress to be the main page of your web site, you will see “Front Page” listed next to it in the the listing of Pages for your web site.

This theme setup and initial content were created with the most common and requested elements suggested and used by Missouri State Libraries. It is intended as a starting point and not meant to be comprehensive. Feel free to adjust, adapt, add, remove, and alter pages and elements as needed for your Library.

If you are already familiar and comfortable with WordPress, log in and start right in! If not, you can follow the Setup Guide above. Please open the Setup Guide in a new tab.

If you are logged in and viewing this page, you can click on the ‘Edit Page’ link in the admin banner at the top of the page to begin editing this page. Alternately, you can hover over your library name in the top-left black bar. When the drop-down appears, click on ‘Dashboard’. Once the dashboard appears on the left, click on ‘Pages’. A list of your pages will appear. Scroll down to and hover over the name of this page. An ‘Edit’ link will appear beneath the name of this page. Click on the ‘Edit’ link to begin editing this page. When you are done making changes, remember to click on the blue ‘Update’ button in the top right. Click on the black ‘W’ (top left) to return to the listing of pages.